Copywriting that Converts


Show notes for Courageous Creatives Podcast, featuring photo of woman writing in a notebook in a home office, with laptop and cup of coffee in the background. Text reads 'Copywriting that Converts', Courages Creatives Podcast. Pinterest Pin.


Want to know how to write good copy for your business, or how to start your career as a copywriter?

In the second episode for Season 2, we were joined by owner and director of Windmill House Creative — Clare Standfast.

Since 2019, Windmill House Creative has grown successful brands Australia-wide by writing effective sales copy and crafting iconic promotional campaigns. With proven experience in tailored copywriting, blogging and direct-response marketing, Windmill House Creative has become a go-to agency for high-converting copy that establishes an authentic brand.

Clare was incredibly generous with her knowledge, and there’s a lot to learn from her experience! Read on if you’re ready to level up your copywriting, or learn more about how it can sky-rocket your business.

In this episode, we covered the following:

  • What is a ‘copywriter’ by today’s definition?

  • How to start a career in copywriting (+ How to be successful!)

  • How to write good copy that converts

  • When to outsource to a copywriter (for your business)

  • Ways you can level up your DIY copy TODAY!

What is a ‘copywriter’ by today’s definition?

Copywriters are best known for being ‘word wizards’ when it comes to content and marketing.

“Copy is definitely a (big part) of a sales strategy,” Clare shares.

“The goal with my clients is to have their copy make money while they sleep – and really establish that trusting relationship with their customers; so they feel like they’re seen, heard and understood.”

Copywriters are invaluable for small businesses and growing brands, as their expertise is not only writing, but in the customer experience as well.

“We speak to the needs, the wants, the pain-points and desires of the client’s audience,” Clare says. “So that really makes the copy an overarching part of their strategy, and hooks into all of their (online) platforms.”

What does it take to become a copywriter?

For Clare, it was something that evolved after her departure from journalism. With a love for writing, and being driven to help people, she said copywriting almost found her.

“For me, it was a bit of a happy accident,” Clare says.

“When I was little, I knew I really wanted to help people and that was really important to me – so before going into journalism, I tossed up social work, psychology, law, but I knew eventually that my talent was writing and (that’s what I wanted to do).”

After returning from living overseas, from what she referred to as a bit of an ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ journey, Clare said she just knew journalism wasn’t serving her anymore. When she was asked to help an old colleague with a client’s copy, Clare had such a positive experience she decided to pursue it.

“(That experience) really lit me up and I thought, ‘this is what I’m going to do’ – and I didn’t really know what copywriting was! But that was why I went down that path,” she reveals.

For anyone considering it as a career, Clare said there is a huge factor to consider:

“A huge part of becoming a copywriter, is understanding that empathy is a huge part of your job, if you’re looking to get into copywriting,” she revealed.

"I think the difference with copy is that it requires a huge amount of empathy; because you really have to jump into someone else’s shoes, and be able to tackle their pain-points, their needs, and desires – to see what they’re seeing.”

There are a myriad of study options available, from short-courses, to diplomas, Bachelors’ degrees and graduate studies – but Clare offers her own course for any savvy small business owners or creatives out there who want to give it a crack. (More on that later!)

How can you become a successful copywriter?

One of the key aspects to a successful copywriting business – isn’t so much a matter of complexity, but commitment.

“Now that I’m in my third year of business, I think for any small business the biggest challenge/s is stickability and staying in the race,” Clare says. “In the first couple of years it was so hard to get past that Imposter Syndrome, self-doubt, all of those things – because there’s so many other people doing what you’re doing.”

Many new copywriters can feel demoralised when it’s a slow start, but Clare said that’s when it’s most crucial to dig your heels in and keep going.

“Being a creative is such a zapping career, because you’re drawing on so much energy, and drawing on a talent that requires so much energy,” she says.

“It can be easy to jump back into that, ‘I’ll just get a corporate job because that’s easier’ (mindset). Being able to actually stick to it, was the biggest obstacle for me – and I wouldn’t have been able to do that without a really supportive community, and some incredible business coaches.”

When should small businesses outsource to copywriters?

“I would say, sooner than they can afford it,” Clare says.

“And the reason that I say this, is a copywriter can portray what you’re selling really well, and it’s like having a fresh set of eyes on your business.”

Amidst all the aspects of starting and running a business, hiring a copywriter can reduce the overwhelm.

“When you’re new in business, it can come with so many questions, a lack of belief in ourselves, and we’re not really sure how to show up to our market or target audience,” she shares.

This is when small businesses can miss out on a crucial aspect of their communications and marketing that costs them sales and clients.

When a business doesn’t have strong copy, Clare says they often miss out on identifying and communicating their ‘value proposition’.

“This is our value, that separates us from the crowd – and that’s how we make sales,” she reveals.

“The most common people who come to me say, ‘I’ve DIY’ed my copy and I’m not seeing any sales. And that’s 99% of the people I see.

“When people people DIY, they go straight for listing out the features of their products or services, and they think that’s where they’re going to make the money – but they don’t list the benefits, and that’s that ‘value proposition’; in leaving out (that), they’re missing what makes them stand out from the crowd and a leader in their industry.

“So a copywriter’s job is to do this; to absolutely nail this, and put it across your marketing platforms. It’s an incredibly invaluable investment, and once it’s done, it’s a once-off investment.”

How can DIY copywriters improve TODAY?

For starters, Clare said small businesses and creatives must get clear on their offer and value proposition.

“What is the end result; what does the user get; what is the value in your offer? Rather than just listing your features (you need to consider this),” she explains.

“It’s really hard for us to explain our own value, and actually take a step back from our business, and see things in their best light.”

But if businesses are keen to grow, they must get comfortable with communicating more openly and confidently with their audience.

“One of the most common mistakes I see, on social media websites, blogs – is that people don’t actually communicate their offer: (literally) saying what they sell,” Clare reveals.

“People are always posting amazing, valuable content – like tips and tricks, their features, but there’s no call-to-action. So whether that’s to book, to buy, a free discovery call, download … showing up, offering yourself, that’s scary, and selling is scary for a lot of people – so we need to start asking our audience to show up, if we’re showing up for them.

“The number one thing you can do is add a call to action to all your marketing platforms – create engagement.”

Examples of Call-To-Actions:

‘Book a free call with me!’

‘Download my [LEAD MAGNET]’

‘Comment below if you would like to learn more!’

The best way to up-skill in your copywriting:

Clare’s course, The Creative Copy Academy, is your one-stop-shop to level-up in your copywriting. Eliminate the guesswork and hours of perusing YouTube and articles, and learn from an industry expert!

Stop seeing zero return and a lack of engagement in your marketing and step into a confident space of monetizing your social media for business.

This course is a premiere 4-week experience for small business owners who want to write social media copy that really sells. The Creative Copy Academy (TCCA) is tailored to small biz accessibilities, with four unique modules to launch you into social sales success.

Learn more about it here.

(*Side-note, this plug is not sponsored at all – Courageous Creatives is all about putting the right resources in your hands!)

About the show:

Courageous Creatives Podcast was launched as a place for creatives to feel inspired, supported and empowered. I truly hope, whichever phase you are at in your creative career, that you find something here. This beautiful community is growing day-by-day, and I’m so excited about the emerging opportunities to network with other creative trailblazers and grow as small business owners. I am the biggest believer that when we help each other along the way, the whole creative community succeeds. Let’s kick the ‘starving artist’ stigma back into the 20th century where it belongs, and build some amazing modern careers – on your terms!

Georgie x

Georgina Morrison

Multi-creative photographer, writer, artist + designer based in rural Victoria, Australia.

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